Embedded Zig

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Ryan Ward, December 2024


The Zig language has been rising in popularity over the last few years, with many hailing it as a “replacement for C”. I am a huge C fan, and wanted to see what a replacement would look like, especially in the context of embedded freestanding systems. I set out to create a simple task scheduler, that I eventually want to build out to a basic real time operating system (RTOS).

This short post will outline the basics of getting a “Hello World” example up and running on a virtual 32-bit RISC-V processor.


Install QEMU’s riscv32 emulator using (for Arch Linux):

sudo pacman -S qemu-system-riscv

To install Zig, follow the instructions provided.

Some Zig code

Once we have specified a build script, let’s create the entrypoint to our baremetal program. First, create a src directory and in it, a main.zig file.

mkdir src && cd src && touch main.zig

In your favourite editor, open the main.zig file and populate it with the following:

fn print(message: []const u8) void {
    // The uart data register for the QEMU virt platform is at address 0x10000000
    const uart_register_address: usize = 0x10000000;

    // Set the uart data out to the above address
    const uart_data_out: *u8 = @ptrFromInt(uart_register_address);

    // Iterate through the given slice, and set the data out to the current character
    for (message) |character| {
        uart_data_out.* = character;

// Export the Zig entry point so the symbol exists in assembly land
export fn start() noreturn {
    print("Hello, World!\n");
    while (true) {}

This is a very simple program that will print the message “Hello, World!” to the terminal before infinitely looping. The message is printed using QEMU’s virtual UART device. This address can be found by dumping the devicetree and using the dtc tool to reconstruct the devicetree:

# Ensure `dtc` is installed
sudo pacman -S dtc
qemu-system-riscv32 -machine virt -machine dumpdtb=rv32virt.dtb
dtc -I dtb -O dts -o rv32virt.dts rv32virt.dtb

After opening rv32virt.dts in a text editor, we can search for the serial keyword (I have no idea why it’s labeled as serial in the .dts file and not uart, whereas other resources clearly show the device labeled as uart):

serial@10000000 {
        interrupts = <0x0a>;
        interrupt-parent = <0x03>;
        clock-frequency = "", "8@";
        reg = <0x00 0x10000000 0x00 0x100>;
        compatible = "ns16550a";

We can see that the compatible chip is ns16550a, which matches with the online documentation for QEMU. Looking at the documentation for the UART chip, particularly the Summary of Registers on page 14, the Transmitter Holding Register is located at address 000 (zero offset from address 0x10000000, which is why we can write the data bytes directly to the UART device address). QEMU handles the initialisation of the serial device for us.

The initialisation

We need to define a memory layout so that our program can be linked together and an elf executable can be created. Create a file in the src directory called link.ld with the following contents:


/* From the QEMU devicetree dump, we can see that the memory starts at address 0x8000000 */
BASE_ADDRESS = 0x80000000;

    /* We can really have any amount of memory we want, the maximum being 0x1000000 bytes */
    ram (rwxa): ORIGIN = BASE_ADDRESS, LENGTH = 128M

    .text : ALIGN(4K) {

    .rodata : ALIGN(4K) {

    .data : ALIGN(4K) {

    .bss : ALIGN(4K) {

    /* Export some bss and stack symbols for our startup procedure */
    PROVIDE(_bss_start = ADDR(.bss));
    PROVIDE(_bss_end = _bss_start + SIZEOF(.bss));
    PROVIDE(_stack_top = _bss_end + 0x1000);

For the (virtual) CPU to actually know what to with our program, we first have to set up a stack pointer. In the src directory, create a file named init.S, with the following contents:

.section .init
.global _start

// Entry point
    la      sp, _stack_top
    la      a1, _bss_start
    la      a2, _bss_end

// Loop and clear the bss section
    sw      zero, (a2)
    addi    a1, a1, 4
    bltu    a1, a2, clear_bss

    tail  start

// Endless loop
    j wait_interrupt

This is a very simple and standard initialisation procedure. You will notice that it is loading in the valued of _stack_top, _bss_start and _bss_end (all of which are memory addresses), clearing the bss section by setting all bits to 0, then jumping to the previously exported start symbol in our main.zig file.

The build script

The standard Zig build system has a central build.zig file that outlines the build process for the code base. In our case, we will construct a very simple build script. The blob below shows the build script used:

// Import the standard library and define some commonly used types
const std = @import("std");
const CrossTarget = std.zig.CrossTarget;
const Target = std.Target;
const Feature = std.Target.Cpu.Feature;

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    // Give an option to run QEMU in GDB server mode
    const debug = b.option(bool, "debug", "Run qemu in debug mode") orelse false;

    // Define a target CPU
    const target = std.Target.Query{
        // Our target is the RISC-V 32-bit architecture
        .cpu_arch = Target.Cpu.Arch.riscv32,

        // There will be no operating system running on the target, therefore it is freestanding
        .os_tag = Target.Os.Tag.freestanding,

        // There is no ABI defined on our target, as it is baremetal (no C standard libraries)
        .abi = Target.Abi.none,

        // The chosen model is just a baseline RISC-V 32 processor, however, it could be any valid
        // target model (e.g., a SiFive E20)
        .cpu_model = .{ .explicit = &std.Target.riscv.cpu.baseline_rv32 },

    // Specify the entrypoint of our program
    const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
        // Fetch our target platform
        .target = b.resolveTargetQuery(target),

        // The name of our final executable
        .name = "main",

        // The entrypoint of our program
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),


    // Standard QEMU arguments for a RISC-V virt machine
    const qemu_args = .{

    const qemu = b.addSystemCommand(&qemu_args);

    // If the debug flag was specified above, add the debug args
    if (debug) {

    // Ensure the QEMU step depends on the executable being built

    // Allows us to execute `zig build run` to build & run the executable
    const run_step = b.step("run", "Start qemu");

Run it

With everything together, we should be now able to run the following from our working directory:

zig build run

With the output:

Hello, World!

Note, to exit QEMU, press Ctrl-A, then x.

Wrap it up

Yes, I know, this fun activity had just as much QEMU + RISC-V content as it did Zig, a lesson I quickly learned when initially writing the code. Nonetheless, it gives a nice overview of using Zig in a freestanding/embedded context. All the code in this post can be found on my GitHub. A keen eye would’ve noticed that the build script also included debugging options for QEMU, however, I’ll leave the debugging process for another post. Any questions, feel free to send me an email (rwardd@outlook.com.au) or message me on x dot com.